Saturday, November 30, 2013

A desire to live in bliss, the meaning of life, and a prayer

Prompt: "There are things we do because they feel right & they may make no sense & they may make no money and it may be the real reason we are here; to love each other & to eat each other's cooking & say it was good."


If I had all the time in the world, in a day, I would cook a beautiful meal. It would be for you, for us. We, a shifting we that allows known and new loves in, would eat together and we would eat with our hands and lick our fingers and talk non-stop about how this food nourishes us. Foods we love, foods from home, foods that love our bodies back. Love really is the secret ingredient. Love in practice is attention + time + patience.

Satiated, I would then browse through my brilliantly organized photographs, and pick the ones I want to print. Then I would make cards out of some, and art prints out of others. They would all be accompanied by a word or a quote - a message that enhances the purpose of this art. They would then go off into the world, sent to friends in faraway places, and family in other countries. "Other" countries, places I grew up in and lived in and call home. 

Digested, I would go to a yoga class close by. I love being taught, I appreciate teachers. I value mentors. I've had a few in my life, and this is something I continue to seek. Without seeking being a mentor, this keeps coming to me. I like this part too, sharing learnings, asking questions, offering reflections and insight to illuminate paths, to encourage, to cheer, to hug and to love people along this difficult journey called life. Yoga is a difficult journey, it brings to life all aspects of living. Struggle, boredom, forgetting to breathe, checking out, auto-piloting, criticizing, trying, moving, resting, fidgeting, and so forth. 

It's dusk now. I would spend hours reading one single book. If it was fiction, I would finish at least half of it in one day. If it was deeper like a spiritual book, I would probably read one chapter, and then reflect on the messages for me right now, by journalling and thinking. So much of journalling is like meditating for me, I sit there and reflect on what is happening, what happened, how I feel about it, and what are the messages. I seek answers, I often forget to ask questions or for guidance. I'm trying to do that more these days and it's really helpful to externalize the problems / stressors. Well, they only become stressors when I sit alone with them, trying to solve it all or do it all.

At nighttime, I would watch movies with friends and slumber party. I actually did do that this weekend, which was a treasure of a night. Over a long weekend, I would do a movie marathon. Top choices - Harry Potter series, Dhoop Kinarey (not a movie, more like a mini-series), and possibly the Matrix. I have still never watched the middle movie of that trilogy, even though I've watched the first one a few times, and the last one twice, and even though I own the DVD set, for over 10 years now.

Over the days, I would catch up with my friends over cups of chai, and over dinners at restaurants. I like those days when we go out to the Highline or Central Park, or even shopping with a hardcore focus like tall black boots that are not suede and not scrunchy and not too pricey meaning below $100 but preferably below $80 and ideally below $60. And then, in all the walking, there is talking while we are side by side. And then there are the breaks for longer conversations and delicious treats. Decadent hot cocoa is at the top of my list for winter treats, but it hasn't happened this winter. Too afraid of the dairy, and convinced almond milk cocoa won't satisfy me. I guess I should try it first. You know, I believe I have all the ingredients at home. Hmm... Sunday evening is full of gentle possibility.

I would sleep a lot every night and I would take naps, every day. At night, I would take the time to do a somatic practice before going to bed: bringing awareness to my breathing and lying down on the floor being unconditionally supported by the earth. I usually sleep more peacefully after doing that. 

When I wake up, I like to lay in bed for a long time. On the weekend, I don't look at my phone, I don't look at a clock. When I finally emerge, I like to eat something, drink something warm, and read the Sun magazine. These days when I read the Sun, I always wonder why I have never attempted to submit to it, though it's been on my list for over a year. I also often think of who else would enjoy this magazine that I can gift a subscription to.

And then the day continues. Some days I do these dreamy things. Other days I got to work at a dreamy job, and do other things that get me excited and energized and feel like I'm fulfilling my life potential. That's what I want to do, all the time: Live life at a pace where I can feel and notice myself breathe, and from that place, do things for others, create beauty and joy, share my gifts in a way that allow us to safely face and become our most authentic selves. 

A short prayer for today:

Dear God,
I would like to trade my free will for your divine guidance.
In each moment of my body, may I receive the softness to surrender.

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