Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Another Life is Possible

Some vision is born of inspiration, and some from desperation.

This is the vision I have of the world I need to live in -
  • Life is valued - that of plants, animals, human beings, trees, sealife, and the earth, oceans, skies, atmosphere, other planets and stars and galaxies and suns. 
  • Values translate to action - 
    • We honor life by not taking anything for granted
    • We use life systems in a way that does not consume more than can be naturally produced 
    • We don't put crap/toxins into anything we honor - not our bodies, not the water, not animals or the air.
    • We honor ourselves and treat ourselves with care
    • We honor each other and don't kill or hurt anyone
  • Being is valued more than doing. All people are paid a flat rate by the government simply for being alive. All people have enough.
  • All people are connected to work that they are excited and able to do. For this work, they get paid in trades or money. There is a thriving trade system within local communities.  
  • Rest and ease are appreciated as much as working hard. Balance is known to be dynamic depending on life stage, age, ability and all that is variable about living beings.  
  • We are taught in schools the skills of our ancestors - from making chapatis to farming and carpentry.
  • Art, music, writing, and dancing are central to community, not peripheral. They are woven into our daily lives and community practices. We don't just dance when we celebrate or in clubs or on stages. We dance everywhere, anytime. We restore spirit and heal and connect through joyous or meditative movement. We sing anytime, anywhere. The earth is covered with poetry that we write with our footsteps or hands or wheelchairs and we add lines to each others' poems. We paint with our bodies as we dance on a canvas. 
  • Healing is not only for some, not only for recovering form injuries and traumas. Healing is a way of living that balances attention to self with connection to the world.
There is so much more I could say. I know, you read this and think - that's not realistic. Hell, that's what I think. But on some days you have to just allow yourself to dream unrealistic dreams, with the 0.0001% hope that one day, these wishes heard by the Universe, and reshaped by other such wishes, will manifest in their best possible form. 

Arundhati Roy said "Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." I believe that another life is possible, for all of us. A life that values being our true selves and one that rests in loving human connections. One that releases the old ways of life - multiple individual paths to earn enough to have enough to finally "have" happiness. Happiness is contentment, and it requires stillness for us to know our fulfillment. Just know it. Just be it. Another life is possible, today.

One tip for ease - breathe deeply into your pelvic bowl. There lies all intuition and inner truth/ clarity.

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